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General Resources

Communication Milestones 12 months - 5 years

Speech Pathology Australia have produced this information kit to help you identify whether your child is meeting their communication milestones.

Download it here: 


Access more information from Speech Pathology Australia here.

Early language stimulation strategies

We've put together a summary of the best ways to encourage interaction and communication with young children.

Download it here: 


For more information talk to one of our friendly speech pathologists!

The Hanen Centre

The Hanen Centre provides training programmes for parents and educators. We are currently certified to run It Takes Two to Talk and More than Words courses. 

Information about Hanen and the NDIS:

Information about the More than Words programme:


 The Hanen Centre website has a wealth of information regarding communication development, in addition to more information about their training programmes. You can access it here.

Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) Myths

AAC opens up communication possibilities for children, but there are many misconceptions about who it is for and how it is used. Read our information sheet to learn about some of the biggest myths about AAC and why they're incorrect.

Download it here: 


Talk to us if you'd like more information about AAC.

Picky Eaters vs Problem Feeders

The SOS Approach to Feeding is a transdisciplinary program for assessing and treating children with feeding difficulties. Find out if your child is a picky eater or if their feeding difficulties are more serious using the following information sheet produced by the SOS Approach to Feeding.

Download it here: 


You can learn more about the SOS Approach to Feeding on their website.

Social stories

Social stories are stories that are specifically written to help someone understand a social situation. There are many places that you can find pre-written social stories and learn to write your own, but we love these Australian ready-made ones from Okey Dokey Child Psychology.

Going to the hairdressers social story: 

When Mum is busy social story:

Sometimes I feel angry social story: 


Okey Dokey have more social stories on their website here.

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